A Lonely Mountain
Lindsay Sorell
+15 Window Exhibition
February 4 to March 30, 2013
As part of the International Festival of Animated Objects, TNG will be partnering with Calgary Society of Animated Objects (CAOS) to host a studio/residency project in our +15 Window Space. Artist Lindsay Sorell will be working daily in our +15 Window to create an installation and produce a final film – the latter of which will be screened during Quickdraw Animation Society’s GIRAF festival in April, 2013.
There has been a change in me, like the sun setting or rising or something. I was walking with a friend yesterday, on our way back from Tim Hortons. It was warm and there was a whipping wind in our hair. The air smelled so wet. We started walking through a garden – over a small bridge in fact – and hail started falling out of the sky everywhere. It fell in our hair, in our coffees, in our faces. The hail looked like little pieces of styrofoam, so light and harmless. Maybe the earth was throwing pollution back at us, having its revenge at last. I told my friend I thought this was romantic. She said that was ridiculous and that romance, every time, is in your head. You create it, it can’t be created. This hurt my feelings for some reason.
Lindsay Sorell studied at the Ontario College of Art and Design, received her BFA in Drawing from the Alberta College of Art and Design, and currently lives and works in Calgary, AB. She recently interned with ACAD’s Artist-in-Residence Travis Kirton developing the coding umbrella C4, and participated as an artist in the Calgary Biennial, Emmedia’s BYOB 2, and the EPCOR CENTRE’s Soundasaurus.