Assail, Fight, Protest, Slam
Bruno Canadien
+15 Window Exhibition
June 4 to July 30, 2011
Assail, Fight, Protest, Slam is a series of painted panels offering artistic resistance to the petroleum industry’s occupation of First Nations’ territories in northern Alberta – where ongoing development in the form of exploratory roads, test wells and pipelines has usually proceeded in the face of considerable native resistance.
Bruno Canadien is Dene, and a member of the Deh Gáh Got’ie Koe First Nation, a Deh Cho Region member of the Dene Nation. He has been working as an artist since graduating from the Alberta College of Art’s Painting Department in 1993. His work, such as the Freedom Fighter Series, discusses issues of contemporary presence and resistance of and by First Nations in the Americas. Bruno’s work is included in the collections of the Alberta Foundation for the Arts, the Glenbow Museum, the Red Deer Museum and the Indian Art Centre in Ottawa. Bruno, originally from Denendeh (NWT), currently resides with his wife Amy in the foothills community of Black Diamond, AB.