Bad Growth
Alyssa Ellis
August 1 — September 22, 2016
+15 Window Exhibition
Bad Growth is an accumulation of research over an extended period of time that highlights the relationship between the well known and feared plant, poison ivy, and its constant state of flux due to current climate change. With the rising levels of C02 in our environment, poison ivy has skyrocketed in its growth and is slowly taking over its natural growing habitat — unnoticed until now.

Alyssa Ellis is a Canadian artist currently based in Calgary, Alberta. She received a BFA from the Alberta College of Art + Design in 2014. Engaged in a multidisciplinary practice, Alyssa’s work deals with plant exploration and botanical life forms, with an unusual interest in natural poison. She has participated in exhibitions both locally and nationally. Recently she has completed a studio-based residency with the Calgary Allied Arts Foundation and a bioart themed residency in Wolfville, Nova Scotia.