Photo credit: Sean Dennie
Hunker (La famiglia)
John Frosst
+15 Window Exhibition
February 1 to March 31, 2011
La famiglia is a collaborative installation and slow motion animation occurring in four of the +15 Window Spaces in the EPCOR CENTRE for the Performing Arts throughout February and March 2011.
In TNG’s +15 Window Space, Jonathan Frosst – of Arbour Lake Sghool, Pith Gallery, and Frosst Books infamy – presents Hunker, a miniature time-lapse sculpture illustrating family as ant farm: 1/8 scale rendering of a family’s retreat to an underground bunker and a time-lapse exhibition of 50 years underground, including propagation, irritation, and innovation.
Centered on the theme of family, the selected artists have collaborated on the creation, installation and animation of artworks addressing narrative themes and familial habitats and characters. Over the course of this two-month exhibition, the artworks will be animated on a regular schedule, revealing the nature of family in a slow motion animation.
Four artist-run centres (Marion Nicoll Gallery, Stride Gallery, Untitled Art Society and The New Gallery) are collaborating with Calgary Animated Objects Society and the Festival of Animated Objects to present this multi-artist, multi-venue slow motion animation. The 5th biennial International Festival of Animated Objects runs from March 8 to 13, 2011.